Happy New Year!

So, 2020 is in the rearview mirror. It was a … well, it was a year.

For IDT, it ended on a really sour note when we lost access to the room where we train. At this time, we are trying to find a solution and determine the best course of action. (People have been asking me what happened, and I can only tell you what I know: that without any warning we were told to leave.) We are still doing private one-on-one sessions and will continue to help as many dogs as we can.

Eventually, we will figure something out for group classes. Regardless, I am glad to put an end to 2020.

I’m not one for making New Year resolutions, but as I sat watching my dog Gunnar play with one of his new toys, it occurred to me that I probably have 20-30 years left on this planet. I assume that everyone reaches this point in their life where they see less time ahead than behind. Suddenly everything seems important. Spending time with those I love, helping those I care about, avoiding toxic people and situations, doing things I’ve always wanted to do, not doing things because I feel “I have to” - suddenly seem like they’re very important. I want to make the time I have left as enjoyable, meaningful, and memorable as possible.

My wish for you is to also find an enjoyable, meaningful, and memorable life. Revel in the love that your pups give you unconditionally, help those you can, avoid people that cause you strife, and know that life shouldn’t be lived according to someone else’s beliefs.

Be safe, happy, and healthy, and we’ll see you in 2021!