Basic Training Commands

People are always asking me what is the least that their dog should know. I don’t know why I find this funny, because it’s kind of like saying “I’m setting the bar really low, what’s the least I can get away with?” But, I think there are some things that you and your dog should definitely know. So, here goes.

  1. I think he/she should know his name. My dog’s name is Gunnar. But we call him myriad other names, too, like Goose, or GooGoo or Gunnar MacGunderson. We didn’t name him and he already knew his name (we adopted him when he was 6 months old from Great Dog Rescue New England.) He knows that his name is Gunnar, and that he has a lot of other names. Make sure that your dog knows his or her name - especially if you’re changing it once you’ve adopted him or her.

  2. Sit, Down and Stand. Your dog knows how to sit, lay down and stand up (on all four legs) already. What training does is match the sound coming out of your mouth with her actions. That sound “sit” means that her butt goes on the floor. What you’re doing is kind of an Annie Sullivan thing - that something she knows how to do has a human name.

  3. Front (or Come or Here). This is probably one of the most important things you can teach your dog, for obvious reasons.

I think that those are the 5 most important commands you can teach your dog. There are a ton of other things you should teach your dog that aren’t commands, and we’ll get into that later.

In the meantime, have a great summer, be safe, stay cool, keep your dogs out of hot cars, and love your pup!

New Year New You

Every January, people make resolutions to make themselves “better”. They pledge to get their finances in order or eat more vegetables. They promise to exercise or read more.

I, too, was thinking about this new year, and things that I could do differently. I’ve been working with dog-human partners for so long that I know that it’s important to take note of the latest teachings and trends in the training business. It’s important to stay up-to-date on techniques and theories, as we’re always discovering things about dogs and the bonds that they develop with humans.

I’ve attended workshops and seminars, conferences, and lectures. I’ve read, I’ve taken tests, I’ve watched other trainers work, and myriad other methods of learning. But as I sat there and pondered what I was going to do this year, my dog Gunnar came up and looked at me. He gave me that “It’s time for a walk” look, and without thinking, I got up, and off we went. It occurred to me, as we were walking, that he had trained me. All of the seminars and books and whatever else mean nothing without the one-on-one time I have with my dog. We are always saying “Trust your dog”, and that’s the first thing that anyone needs to do to develop that bond and relationship. My dog is the trainer and I am the student. All the reading and learning that I can do pales in comparison to what Gunnar teaches me.

So, how can you be a better trainer? Listen to your dog. Trust your dog. The techniques and theories may come and go, but your dog remains the same.

It's Summer...again.

It’s hard to believe that 2021 is almost half over! Things still haven’t gotten back to normal, but at least we are heading in the right direction. (Get your vaccines!) So, here are the annual tips for living with your dog during the summer.

Disclaimer: I am not a vet, nor do I play one on t.v. Please defer to whatever your vet tells you.

Heatstroke - If your dog is panting excessively, has bloodshot eyes (which indicates stress), and is drooling a lot, bring your dog inside immediately. Give them small amounts of water, don’t let them drink bowls full of water. Cool them down by putting their feet in room temperature water, never cold water.

If your dog is breathing hard, vomiting, panting really hard, having tremors, seizures, or is passing out, you have a medical emergency on your hands. Call your vet, or your local emergency hospital now and they will instruct you on what to do.

Sensitive Paws - Dogs have pads on their paws that are sensitive to heat and cold. Walking on pavement that is too hot can burn your dog’s pads. Walking on anything hot (beaches, cement pool decks, even wooden decks, etc.) can burn their pads. If it’s too hot for you to walk on, it’s too hot for your dog to walk on. There are booties galore out there to protect your dog’s feet when hiking, going to the beach, walking on hot pavement, etc. Dogs sweat through their pads, and it’s important to keep their feet cool and protected from burning.

Fireworks - As we are getting back to “normal”, more towns are doing their annual firework displays. Fireworks can be extremely stressful for your pup. Trainers with extremely well-trained dogs have had their terrified dogs run from them. If your town is doing fireworks, make a "safe place” for your pup to hide indoors. Turn on the t.v. or the radio, dim the lights and make sure things are comfortable. If your dog begins to react to the noise, don’t yell or punish him or her. Speak gently and give them long strokes along their flanks. If you know that your pup has been afraid of fireworks in the past, use a Thunder Shirt or other compression-type of coat to help calm them down. Or, talk with your vet about ways that you can calm your dog, such as calming biscuits, CBD oil, or other tools.

Keep your pup hydrated - Wherever you go, whatever you do, keep that water bottle right next to you. You keep yourself hydrated when your hot, make sure that your dog has water, too. And, don’t give your dog tons and tons of water at a time. Make them drink slowly and steadily and keep the quantity low. A belly full of water isn’t a good thing, especially when you and your pup are outside playing or doing something.

But not too hydrated - Sometimes, too much water can be a bad thing. Once, a dog I knew went swimming for the day. He had a blast, and after his 3-hour swim fest, he went home. One of the kids at his house thought that playing with him and the hose would be fun, as this pup loved to fly into the air and catch the water. After an hour of that, he went inside and kind of started wobbling around. The concerned parents took him to the vet where they learned that their pup had a rare issue known as Water Intoxication. This is NOT the fun kind of intoxication. This can lead to brain damage, heart failure and, death. If you find that your dog is lethargic, nauseated, has dilated pupils or a glazed over look, is drooling or vomiting, or has a lack of coordination after swimming, playing in the water, or drinking too much without getting rid of it somehow, you’ve got to get to the vet. Too much water causes an electrolyte imbalance, which can cause brain damage. Luckily, the pup that had Water Intoxication survived, but he was never really the same mentally, leading his parents to believe that he did, indeed, suffer some brain damage.

Bees, Wasps, and other Stripey Things - I know of very few dogs that don’t like to chase flying things. And, puppies, who delight in this, often find themselves on the wrong end of a stinger. Dogs can have allergic reactions to bee/wasp/hornet/deer flies and other stingy things, just as people do. Sometimes these allergic reactions are slight, such as swelling of the snout or paw. Sometimes these can be less slight, such as swelling of the tongue. And, sometimes these can be deadly, such as anaphylactic shock. If your pup gets stung, you need to keep an eye on him or her. Especially if they’ve never been stung before and you don’t know how they are going to react. Call your vet and tell them that your dog has been stung. Hopefully, you can identify the bug and tell your vet. If you notice swelling that is impeding your pup’s ability to breathe or see, go to your vet or emergency hospital immediately. If you know your dog isn’t going to have anaphylaxis, make sure you have Benadryl on hand when you speak with your vet.

Hot Cars - If you know me, you know the story of how my dog Kismet was killed by our former pet sitter. Don’t leave your pet in your car if the temperature outside is more than 60 degrees. Ever. Don’t let anyone who is “responsible” for your pet leave your pet in their car when the temperature is greater than 60 degrees. If you find a dog in a hot car who is in distress, call the police immediately. In Massachusetts, you are allowed to break into the car to rescue the pup once you have alerted the police. A dog in a car in 70 degree heat has anywhere between 60-90 minutes before it’s too late.

Although I hate the summer, many do not. So, people get out and about and do things with and without your dogs. Make your summer safe for you and your four-legged family members and remain safe and healthy in the sun, sea and piracy. (Oh, if you’re doing piracy, make sure that your pup has a life jacket that has a head holder underneath the chin.) Have fun, be good to one another, and protect your pup!

My cat has separation anxiety

Dogs learn really well. Sometimes, when I’m working with your pups, it amazes me that one species can understand and communicate with another. I mean, I have problems communicating with other humans sometimes, so it amazes me that another species can understand me. And that, sometimes, I can understand them.

That got me wondering: Just what other species are dogs teaching in addition to us humans? And suddenly, I started noticing communication from my dog Gunnar to myriad creatures that he encounters.

Obviously, dogs can teach other dogs. But Gunnar has also taught the deer that come into our yard that he finds their presence an imposition (to be polite). The deer will happily munch on corn when I walk by, but if Gunnar is with me, they take off. Gunnar has told the fox kits that they can play with his toys, but they better not destroy them. I’m not sure how he communicated this, but I often see the kits playing with his toys - and they are very respectful.

But the species that I see that communicates with Gunnar (and vice versa) the most are our cats. He raised 3 of them: Chevy, Zeezle, and Bex. He’s taught them a great deal. He’s taught them not to use their claws on his tail, not to eat out of his bowl, how to lay down (circling 3 times), how to growl at the UPS truck (honestly, it scared the heck out of me when Chevy first did) and how to greet us at the door when we return. It amazes me that he’s taught them so much. The cats run whenever they hear a doorbell - on the t.v. Gunnar keeps them in line when they play too rough and one of them hisses. The cats herd us when they want something from us, and they know that the proper way to drink water is to get a lot of it in your mouth and then dribble it across the kitchen floor.

And, of course, the cats have taught Gunnar things, too. That he has to rescue the mice that they catch. That they like to rub on his harness, so he ends up going to daycare smelling like a cat. That sometimes the warmest place to be is under a blanket. That Temptations taste better if you have to chase them. It’s definitely not one-sided.

So, the next time you’re talking to your pup, take a minute to think about how amazing it is that the two of you can communicate at all. Your dog learns from multiple sources, and we humans are just one of those sources.

She's Blossomed into a Beautiful Pup

Sometimes, we meet people who are overwhelmed by the choice they’ve made when they get a dog. Raising a puppy can be hard, and throwing that on top of everything else going on in your life can make it seem insurmountable. We, as professional trainers, have been there. But we also know that if you put in the time and the effort, you will be rewarded with the bestest dog ever.

Enter Nala. Nala is a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Her family had had labs before, and were a little surprised at Nala’s love of running and play “attacking” them as if they were lions on the Serengeti. They did a lot of training with her, but occassionally found themselves overwhelmed by her energy, intelligence and Rhodie attitude.

Unfortunately, as trainers, we don’t get to spend 24/7 with you and your dog. Occassionally, we do get a chance to spend an extended amount of time with one of your pups, and then we get an insight into the true wonder that is your dog. I got to watch Nala while her family went out of town. What Nala did that day will cement her in my mind as one of the greatest dogs of all time.

We took Gunnar (my dog) and Nala on a nice long walk in the woods. Ronaele joined us with her collies, so we were quite the pack. Gunnar and Nala were playing and running. Nala was dragging a 20 foot lead so I could catch her if necessary. I needn’t have worried, she was never more than 3 feet from me the entire time.

Gunnar loves to swim, so we went down to the Charles to let everyone swim. Nala wasn’t too thrilled with the water, but she did follow Gunnar in and, much to her surprise, found herself swimming. Once she’d experienced that, she decided she preferred to wade while the others swam. We were throwing sticks into the river for Gunnar to go get. I went to go retrieve one of the sticks when my foot caught on a root and before I knew it, I had tripped, fallen, smashed my face on a rock and rolled into the Charles. The first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was a Rhodie nose. Gunnar was waiting patiently for me to throw the stick and the collies were watching me safely from the bank. Nala was next to me in a flash.

The walk back to the car was fun. With a split lip and a banged up knee, it took a while to get back to the car. Gunnar was bummed that his swim had ended, and the collies were worried because Ronaele was worried. But Nala was glued to me. She kept looking up at me in amazement. I’m not sure if she was amazed at how much blood there was, or how stupid I was for falling into the river. Either way, she wouldn’t leave my side, and even chased Gunnar away from me when we got to the car.

I returned Nala to her family later that day (on my way to the local Urgent Care Clinic) looking like a prize fighter who had lost badly. The only good thing about that day was Nala. I saw her true colors come shining through that day. I knew that she was going to be a loyal, loving, caring and compassionate family member. I won’t deny that I’m a little jealous. Rhodies are amazing dogs, and the more work you put into them, the more amazing they are. Nala is in a class unto herself.

I guess the moral of this story is that if you put in the work, your dog is going to be the best dog he or she can be. Hopefully, it won’t take a fall into the Charles to show you how fantastic your dog is. But, if you do, I hope your pup is half as good as Nala.

Happy New Year!

So, 2020 is in the rearview mirror. It was a … well, it was a year.

For IDT, it ended on a really sour note when we lost access to the room where we train. At this time, we are trying to find a solution and determine the best course of action. (People have been asking me what happened, and I can only tell you what I know: that without any warning we were told to leave.) We are still doing private one-on-one sessions and will continue to help as many dogs as we can.

Eventually, we will figure something out for group classes. Regardless, I am glad to put an end to 2020.

I’m not one for making New Year resolutions, but as I sat watching my dog Gunnar play with one of his new toys, it occurred to me that I probably have 20-30 years left on this planet. I assume that everyone reaches this point in their life where they see less time ahead than behind. Suddenly everything seems important. Spending time with those I love, helping those I care about, avoiding toxic people and situations, doing things I’ve always wanted to do, not doing things because I feel “I have to” - suddenly seem like they’re very important. I want to make the time I have left as enjoyable, meaningful, and memorable as possible.

My wish for you is to also find an enjoyable, meaningful, and memorable life. Revel in the love that your pups give you unconditionally, help those you can, avoid people that cause you strife, and know that life shouldn’t be lived according to someone else’s beliefs.

Be safe, happy, and healthy, and we’ll see you in 2021!

If only there were a pill...

The other day I did a phone consult with a woman who had a rescue dog. The dog was acting out, destroying her house and being very unpredictable. She’s had this dog for 6 years. That’s a long time to put up with behaviors like that.

Of course, because she’s home during the quarantine, she’s seeing more of these behaviors. Also, everyone in the house is stressed because of the change in their routines. I explained to her that now would be the perfect time to address some of these issues because she and her family were home, and they could work on retraining their pup. We talked for almost two hours, going over scenarios, possibilities, training situations, actions that she and the rest of the family could take, tools she could use, etc. At the end of the call, I felt confident that she had the resources and capability to work with her dog. And she did! But there was one huge component that was missing from the equation: Her motivation.

I’ve been playing the piano since I was three. Honestly, I am a classically trained pianist. The imporant word there is trained. Whenever I had concerts, I practiced. I spent hours going over and over pieces. I didn’t just wake up one day knowing how to play Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata. And, when I “jam” with people who were trained in other musical genres, like Jazz, I struggle because my brain isn’t wired that way. Of course, I can practice Jazz chords. etc. But, I don’t have the inclination to do this. (I prefer structure and order.)

Everyone knows that to reach a goal, you have to put in the work. Whether it’s losing weight, learning French or saving for a vacation. Dog training is no different. If you don’t work with your pup, you won’t reap the benefits. Remember, in the immortal words of Aerosmith “Life’s a journey, not a destination.” If you don’t spend time on the journey, you will never reach a destination. Sending your dog to board and train teaches your dog what to do - with someone else. You aren’t developing that bond or relationship. You aren’t learning each other’s quirks or foibles. You aren’t learning to read each other.

If you learn a new language, you have to practice it so you don’t forget it. The same applies to your dog. If you teach her to put her toys away when she’s a year old, but don’t have her do it again until she’s 11, she won’t remember the command. Imagine you getting dropped into Paris years after you took (and forgot) your high school French.

I know I’ve been rambling, so here are some of the points I’m trying to make:

  • There is no magic pill. No one can wave their magic wand and suddenly have your dog read your mind and understand what you want.

  • You must continually work to develop the bond with your dog.

  • Your bond with your dog is unique to you. You can’t translate your relationship to someone else.

  • You and your dog must both practice whatever you’ve learned.

  • Behind every well-trained dog is a well-trained person.

So, training your dog is ultimately about developing a relationship with your dog. The only magic is the love you have for each other.

Corona Virus and Your Pets

These are strange new times. The introduction of COVID-19 has changed our lives in so many ways that we are all reeling from the restrictions, cancellations, self-isolation and uncertainty. There are a few things you need to know about the COVID-19 pandemic and your pets.

First: No one knows if your pets can get this particular strain. They probably can’t, but this virus is so new that research is in its infancy. That said, the CDC recommends that, if you test positive for COVID-19, you restrict and avoid coming in contact with your pets. You can find more information from the CDC here:

Second: It is unknown if your pet can spread COVID-19. If there is any chance that they do, it is probably similar to the way that they spread poison ivy (the oil gets onto their fur, then you touch the fur) or through their feces. But, again IT IS UNKNOWN IF PETS CAN SPREAD THE VIRUS. Be vigilant, and if you are in the high-risk group, ask for assistance from family, friends, neighbors if you need it.

Third: Watch out for misinformation. There are Canine Corona Viruses out there, but they are NOT transmittable to humans. The viruses known as CCoV, or CCoV Type 1, CCoV Type II, and CFoV are are specifically Canine and Feline Corona Viruses. While these viruses are very contagious and bad for your pets, this is NOT the COVID-19 virus. You can find information about CCoV or CFoV here:

If you think you may be infected, it is recommended that you do not interact and avoid contact with your pets. It goes without saying the same is for contact with people. If your pet becomes ill, contact your vet and inform them of your potential infection, and ask for their advice. Whatever you read on the internet (this blog included) should be superseded by whatever your medical professional tells you.

IDT takes your health, and the health of your dog, very seriously. Remember that there are interactive dog toys out there to occupy your pup’s time. Go to and type in “interactive dog toy” and you’ll be surprised at the number of things you can get to alleviate boredom for your dog. Amazon and Chewy are delivering dog food, toys, treats and other sundries like crazy. Playing the “Find It” game can engage both your kids and your dog. And, long, solitary walks in the woods or neighborhoods, can help everyone.

Hang in there, be kind to each other, remember to check on those who are elderly or in the high risk group, don’t horde things (WHY are people hording toilet paper AND laxatives???) and enjoy this time with your family and pets.

We’ll be here when it’s all over, waiting to get back to training and helping you. In the meantime, if you need help, or have questions, please feel free to text or call us at (508) 321-7123. Stay safe and healthy!

All of us at IDT.

The seasons are a changin'...

We fell back this weekend. That means that a slew of holidays are on their way. That means travel, family, friends and chaos.

Dogs (and cats) don’t like chaos. They prefer things to be well ordered and consistent. So, during the holiday seasons, keep your pet’s welfare in mind.

Having a lot of people in your house is stressful. Eccentric uncles, nosy mothers-in-law, wild kids and a slew of others can cause your head to explode as you try and remember why you thought hosting this Thanksgiving was a good idea.

Your pup will feed off of the energy that has suddenly invaded your house. Those kids racing around the dining room table will be an open invitation for your dog to engage in a fun game of chase. That Aunt you adore who shares everything, including her food, is sneaking your pup turkey. And, the house is so busy, who can remember to take your pup outside? So, what do you do?

  • Keep to your schedule as much as you can. You might be cooking for 20, but your pup still expects their breakfast at the same time every day. There might be football games to watch during the day, but your pup is waiting to go for his daily walk at 3:00. Watching home movies from 1972 may carry on way into the early hours of the morning, but your pup wants to go do his business as usual.

  • Try to keep the energy levels to a minimum. Sure, you’re excited to see your family and friends. But all of the excitement can cause your dog to go into overdrive. Give your pup a place where they can escape the madness. That could be a crate that you put up in your bedroom, or a part of the house that’s off limits to guests. Everyone needs a “Calgon take me away” place. (If you’re under 100 years old, that’s a reference to an old TV commercial.)

  • Know the food that will be in the house. Even the best behaved pup will be thrilled to find the house full of new food. One client came into her kitchen to find both her cat and her dog on the counter, sharing their Thanksgiving turkey. As a vegetarian, when a meat eater comes to our house, our cats and dogs go bonkers. Also, know which foods are bad for your pup. Know the poison control numbers, and be aware of who is giving what to your dog. The most important thing to be aware of is Xylitol. This is found in sugarless gum and other sugar-free products. My grandmother’s purse ALWAYS contains gum and mints…and my pups wouldn’t be above raiding her purse if it was available.

  • When cleaning up before and after the holidays, make sure that you’re using products that are OK for animals. Try and use natural products, or if you have to use chemical-based products, make sure that your pets are safely tucked away.

We know that you’ll have a great holiday season, and will make some awesome memories. So have a safe season, and don’t let your dog eat turkey bones!!

Spring time!

It’s turned into Spring. A wet one, but still Spring. Trees are blooming, cute little fuzzy baby geese are learning to walk, and the sail boats are on the Charles.

What does this time of year mean for you and your pup? Are you planning some hikes or long walks? Are you going to BBQs at friends’ houses? Going to one of the beaches before dogs are banned on or before Memorial Day?

Whatever you do, make sure that you have a plan for your pup. Whether you decide to let him spend a night at a day care (Happy Tails Doggy Daycare in Franklin!) or he gets to go with you, it’s important to know stuff about where you’re going. Check leash laws, town by-laws and websites like Bring Fido.

I feel like I’m always warning people in these blogs. Watch out for laws, watch out for plants, make sure you don’t leave you dog in a hot car, make sure you have a first aid kit, etc.… How about for this blog, I just wish you all a safe and happy Spring.

So, from all of us at Integral Dog Training, we hope you have a wonderful Spring!

Dressing Up Your Dog

Generally, I’m not a fan of dressing up animals. I mean, baby goats in pajamas aside, does any animal really need to wear a unicorn hat? But, there are definitely exceptions.

We are smack dab in the middle of a polar vortex. Humans can get frostbite in minutes. Did you know that your pup can also get frostbite? Dogs paws are in the elements every day. Signs of frostbite on your dog’s pads include them becoming very pale with bluish tinge, very brittle, and it hurts your pup when you touch them.

I started having my dog wear boots when we walked around the city in the winter. The rock salt that everyone uses is bad for your dog’s paws. Also, there have been some incidents of dogs being electrocuted when standing on badly grounded grates. (I think, thankfully, that’s fixed now.) Gunnar, my dog, has several pair of booties, depending on the situation. He’s not a long haired dog, but he can still get snowballs between his toes, so boots help minimize that. It also keeps his pads off of the ice and snow.

Keeping your dog’s feet warm in this extreme cold is important. It’s also important that you know the signs of frostbite in dogs, so head on over to your favorite vet and ask.

Coats are important for dogs that don’t have a lot of hair. But in weather like this, coats are a good idea for everyone. I know one Diva collie that must wear a coat any time the temperature dips below 45 degrees. Gunnar has a couple of coats, too. Waterproof ones and warm ones, so that when he goes to play in the snow, he doesn’t get wet and frozen.

It’s not a fashion statement when you’re trying to keep your dog safe. If you want to keep her safe with a $2000 Gucci dog coat, well….I guess that’s okay, too. As long as it keeps her warm.

Say What?

“I am not a vet, and I suggest you talk with your vet first before you do anything.”

I was in a pet supply store today. This store is supposed to be “Natural” and “Healthy.” As I stood in line with 4 other patrons, we listened to a sales clerk tell a woman about a product that they sold in the store.

The woman’s elderly dog has hip displaysia. The dog’s vet suggested Rimadyl for the pain. The sales clerk suggested essential oils.

“I love this stuff. I use it on everything. My dog has seizures, and he was having a seizure once and I squirted this in his mouth and he stopped seizing!”

I think that trying natural things first is important. A lot of our medicine comes from plants and other natural things. And, sometimes you’re just so desperate that you’ll try anything. But I also trust the experts. There are very few vets who work in pet supply stores.

I’m sure that the sales clerk was well trained, she really knew the contents of her store. But, giving medical advice that differs from, well, the medical community, is a dangerous thing. Not that a few essential oils were going to harm this poor old boy, but what if that were Tea Tree Oil? Did you know that Tea Tree Oil is toxic to dogs? Yet, places still sell shampoo that contains it. You know where I learned that? From a vet.

We have given our share of medical advice to pet owners. But we always preface it with “I am not a vet, and I suggest you talk with your vet first before you do anything.” We suggest this for everything from puppy teething to newly developed aggression in an older dog. People have lots of opinions about things, and they can be a wealth of knowledge. But you need to take all of it with a grain of salt (or in some cases, a salt lick.)

It takes a lot of work to become a Veterinarian. And, of course, medicine is an art. Some people are better at it, or have more of a gift for it. There are very bright people in this field, so there are a lot of differences of opinions. But the one thing that vets having going for them is that they have science on their side. All of the vets I know are happy to show you the science behind their decisions.

I don’t think that the store clerk would be able to show the science behind her claims. And, sadly, from the horrific experience of having a dog that had grand mal cluster seizures for 4 years, I know that essential oils would never have stopped him from seizing - unless that essential oil was Oil of Valium, administered rectally.

If you have questions about the health of your pet and want to learn how to help them, go to your vet and ask questions. They love answering questions. If you want to learn about what is in your dog’s food, ask a store clerk. Although, this clerk taught this woman that Labs have notoriously bad livers. Is this true? I don’t know, but I bet I know someone who does….and they have a DVM after their name.

Training should be fun!

Getting a dog is a happy event. You bring a dog into your family for myriad reasons. Being a partner with a dog should be fun, energizing, happy and fulfilling. We "train" our dogs so that they fit into our life better, know what's expected of them, and what they expect of us. Regardless of why we train, it should be fun.

Police dogs are trained to look for contraband as a game. The reward, once they've found whatever they're looking for, is their toy and a romp with their handler. It's a no-brainer that you learn better when you're having fun. No one wants to sit in a dark room being made to memorize multiplication tables, or having grammar forced down your throat. You wouldn't like it. Why would your pup?

I recently came across a fantastic woman and her amazing dog. Her dog was "acting out" whenever she went to training classes. The trainer was very vocal about her dislike for the dog and the way that the woman worked with her dog. The trainer belittled and humiliated this wonderful woman, who was only trying to do what's best for her dog. Oh, and this dog is really a puppy - she has the attention span of your average gnat - and doesn't have the bandwidth to focus for a full hour. Never mind that her mother is a quivering mess of unconfidence after dealing with this trainer. How would you like to work in a manner that scared you, while watching your mother, also shake with fear?

Listening to this woman's story, I vacillated between being horrified and angry. No one should be treated that way - human or otherwise. So, here are some things that I hope you keep in mind when you're looking for a trainer:

  • If you get a bad feeling - run. Trust your instincts. And, even if you do stay for a class, if you don't like it, don’t go back. I've seen students leaving other trainers' classes in tears. This isn't a good thing. If you see that, it may not be the class for you.

  • If the trainer yells at you, your dog, or anyone in the class, it may not be the best fit for you. No one learns anything from fear and condescension.

  • If the trainer is tugging, pulling, pushing, hanging or doing other physical violence to your dog - you have to stand up for your dog. You wouldn't let anyone do that to you - don't let an "expert" do that to your dog.

  • Go to a class before you sign up. Any trainer worth their salt is happy to let someone audit a class to see if it's a good fit.

  • Speak up! There is ALWAYS more than one way to train. If you don't like the way the trainer is doing something, say so. A professional trainer will always have more than one technique to show you.

  • Get a second opinion. If your trainer recommends something you don't like, ask another trainer. Ask me! I don't care if you take classes with us or you live in Kathmandu, just ask if you have questions.

Remember that there's no such thing as an "accredited" trainer. People that go to the Animal Behavioral College get a certificate. People can take the CCPDT test and get certified, which means that they have a CPDT-KA or CPDT-KS after their name. These people take dog training very seriously, have taken the time to take a test and pay the $300 fee for taking the test.

An Animal Behaviorist is someone who has been to veterinary school, or has an advanced (Ph.D) degree in Animal Behavior. A lot of trainers call themselves animal behaviorists or animal behavioralists, but unless they have the degrees to back it up, they aren't. It's a career no-no to call yourself a behaviorist when you're not.

Look for someone that you connect with. Someone that treats you and your dog with respect. Someone who will LISTEN to you, help you set goals and build your bond and relationship with your dog.

I had a bad math teacher when I was in grade school. Really bad. I was terrified of Mrs. O'Brian, and when she called on me, even though I knew the answer, I couldn't say anything. I fell 140 pages behind in math. I'm still 140 page behind in math. Math terrifies and confounds me. All because of one teacher who was the blight of 3rd grade. If your trainer turns out to be a Mrs. O'Brian, leave. Take your beautiful and loving pup somewhere where both of you will be safe and happy.

It's easy to get despondent

I am always surprised by the amount of cruelty in this world. Especially to animals. A while ago, a friend called to tell me that she found three kittens in her yard. There was no sign of a mother, and they’d been hiding in her wood pile for three days. We went over and got them out of her woodpile and set up a trap for the mother.

These kittens had no parasites, worms, ear mites, fleas, ticks….they were calm and comfortable with humans and the various sounds in our house. This means, most likely, that someone dumped these 4 week old kittens. We left the trap out for days, but we didn’t find their mother. These kittens were probably taken from their mother and dropped in the woods. How could someone take kittens that weren’t even weaned and dump them in a forest?

Yesterday while driving through downtown Franklin, we came upon a flock of turkeys that were standing beside the road. One of the chicks had been hit by a car and the hen was standing over her dead chick trying to protect him. There were probably 20 turkeys in the flock that consisted of chicks, hens and a tom. Someone had been impatient and just rode over this baby. I stopped the car and traffic and carried the chick to the side of the road so that the mother hen wouldn’t be hit, too. If someone had waited thirty seconds, this wouldn’t have happened. How is it that an animal’s life is worth so little to someone?

A while ago, I made a pact with myself. If I ever saw an animal in need, I would stop whatever I was doing and help. And I know that there are a lot of you out there that would do the same. But for every one of us, there seem to be ten people who don’t care.

It gets disheartening and feels hopeless. Every day there are horror stories of atrocities done to animals. How do we change this? How do we stop this? It will be a long time before I don’t see the image of the hen mourning over her chick whenever I close my eyes. Luckily, I have three kittens to make me laugh and smile.


Be Prepared - Not Just for Boy Scouts

Summertime is in full swing, and you are out and about with your pup. Aside from the usual heat-related suggestions, it’s important to have a first aid kit at the ready.

There are several different kits available online. Or, you can make your own. The important thing is that you have one. This will be your savior when you’re dealing with a toenail that’s been torn, or a muzzle that’s been stung. It will help when your pup gets a scratched pad from running on the beach, or a burn from walking on hot asphalt (don’t make your dog walk on hot asphalt.) It’s important to have a number of things in your kit, but you can make it as big or small as you’d like.

But first, here are some things to remember when you’re working on your pup:

  • A wounded dog may bite. Even if he’s been your faithful friend forever, when in pain, your dog may not know you. In this case, your first aid kit should have some kind of muzzle or restraint.
  • Some body parts bleed a lot more than others. Heads, noses, ears and nails will bleed more than other body parts. It’s easy to get freaked out when you see a lot of blood, but just remembering that ears bleed a lot more might help you stay a bit calmer.
  • Always have the emergency numbers for your vet and local 24 hour animal hospital with your kit. If you are traveling, it’s a good idea to check the area for local animal hospitals along your travel route and your final destination.

Your kit should evolve and be updated regularly. Check the expiration dates of the medicines you have and replace expired ones quickly. Change the contents of the kit for the seasons. For example, you’re probably not going to need bee sting protection in the dead of winter, or you’re probably not going to need frostbite supplies in the hot weather.

There are some things that should be in your kit year round. Things like hydrogen peroxide, Benadryl, bandages, a tourniquet, antiseptic wipes, a syringe, Neosporin or another wound cream, sterile eye wash, a leash, a muzzle or something to restrict your dog’s mouth, styptic powder, scissors, tweezers, tape, a thermometer, dish soap, water and, of course, treats. There are a number of websites that will provide you with a list. Or, ask your vet his or her opinion as to what should be in your kit.

It’s important to be prepared for anything, particularly when you’re on vacation or away from home. A little bit of planning goes a long way when you’re dealing with an emergency. So, be prepared, be safe, and have a great summer!

Leptospirosis and You

Leptospirosis is a disease that's caused by the Leptospria bacteria. This bacteria, which is present in both soil and water, is usually contracted from standing, slow or fast moving water. Leptopirosis, or Lepto, and can be passed from animals to people, but it's rare for that to occur.

Your dog can get Lepto from drinking from rivers, streams, creeks, etc., from other dogs, from rodents, or from farm animals (hence fields). They develop Lepto if their mucous membranes or any wounds come into contact with the bacteria.

How do you know your dog has Lepto? A few of the symptoms that your dog can have are: fevers, muscle tenderness, increased thirst, lethargy, dehydration, vomiting, diarrhea, jaundice or inflammation of the eye, liver and/or kidney failure.

There are vaccines for this disease, however, there are several different strains of the Lepto bacteria, so the vaccine may not prevent all of them. The best thing is to be vigilant about letting your dog romp in water or farm fields. Have your dog checked for the bacteria by your vet yearly. If you suspect that your dog may have Lepto, see your vet promptly. Catching this disease early may prevent chronic liver or kidney disease. Your vet will put your pup on antibiotics, and in a couple of weeks, your dog will be feeling better.

If you have any questions about Lepto, talk with your vet. They can give you tons of information on what to do, and what not to do, to prevent or treat this disease.

How to Walk Your Dog

We know that dogs love coming to Happy Tails, so we’re delighted when we see dogs charging into our foyer. But, sometimes the enthusiastic pup is pulling a bedraggled owner behind them. It’s no fun being pulled by your dog. Your pup has to learn that, while it’s great that he’s excited to get to his friends, he doesn’t have the right to pull you like a 5 year old with a helium balloon.


There is a technique to teaching your dog to walk. We call it Loose Leash Walking. Here is what you will be doing:

1.        Create a zone – We call this creating a batter’s box. In baseball, when a batter steps out of the batter’s box, the game stops. When you create a zone, you’re creating an area that your dog walks in. That zone can be as small or large as you’d like. However, when your dog steps outside of that zone, you stop. That’s it. Just stop. But stopping is hard.

Both humans and dogs have this thing called Oppositional Reflex. This is a reflex that makes you want to pull your head in the opposite direction when someone pulls your hair. This is the reflex that makes your dog want to pull more when you’re pulling on his leash. This ends up in a tug-of-war, which you’re probably going to lose.

So, we say “Don’t pull, just stop.” Because this is harder than you think we suggest something like putting your hand in your pocket, or tying the leash around your waist. You may not get far, but your dog will learn the dimensions of the zone (or leash) and learn that if he pulls, he won’t get anywhere….fast.

2.        Praise your dog – When your dog is walking along side of you, praise them. We always tell our dogs what we DON’T want them to do, but we rarely tell them what we WANT them to do. It’s a lot more specific to tell a dog what you’d like them to do than to let them try and it out themselves. If you’re using a command, like With Me, then say “Good With Me, Fido!!”

3.        Get your dog to pay attention to you – When you’re walking with your dog, it should be a partnership. If you’re boring, your dog will look for something more interesting to engage in. So, talk to your dog, use the Look command, walk fast, walk slow, turn directions, slalom telephone poles…do whatever you can to make the walk fun.

4.        Share the walk – Your dog wants to smell who has been around lately. So, tell him “If you walk to the hydrant nicely, you can sniff there for a bit.” Also, remember that this walk is for both of you. If you need to get some exercise, that’s great. But if you take off at Mach 6 and you have a small dog, he’s not going to enjoy himself after a block or two. So, half the time you’re asking for him to walk appropriately, and half the time you’re letting him enjoy himself with sniffs, or rolls, or whatever.

Rules about walking

There are a couple of rules about walking your dog:

First, don’t wrap your leash around your wrist and arm. If your dog started to run, you might not be able to disengage. This is a dangerous way to hold a leash. Hold the leash with two hands, or use a shorter leash. Shorter leashes make it easier to train your dog to walk with you because they don’t much momentum to pull you off your feet. Using a 2 foot long leash or traffic lead will help your dog learn the zone quicker.

Second, relax. If you keep your arm at a weird angle, or you’re walking stilted, your dog is going to feel like you’re acting strange. Just be relaxed and trust your dog. Be aware of what’s going on around you, but try and enjoy yourself.

What you need

As we’ve said, we recommend short leashes when you’re starting to teach your dog. Once they start understanding the zone, you can switch to a longer leash. Choose a leash that is comfortable when you hold it folded up in one hand. Also, for those times that your dog sees a squirrel and takes off despite all of his training, a nylon leash can leave a nasty burn. Leather leashes, while a bit more expensive, are a lot less painful.

Harnesses seem like a good thing, especially when you have a dog that’s gagging and choking because he’s pulling. If your dog is making himself gag, you probably should use a harness. We recommend the Harness Lead because it doesn’t put any stress on a dog’s throat, sternum or back. Remember, dogs running the Iditarod wear harnesses so that they can get their entire weight behind their pull.


You love your dog. You just have to show him how to walk with you better. Remember, if you’re frustrated, your dog is, too. Be patient, it takes a while for dogs to get this command. Create a zone and get your dog to focus on you. If he goes out of the zone, stop and try not to pull. Remember to praise your dog when he’s doing the right thing. And, you want to have fun and make the walk interesting for both of you.

This is just a basic introduction to Loose Leash Walking. In our classes and workshops, we go into greater detail and help you practice this technique.

The Fourth of July!

You know that your dog can hear and smell things better than you, right? My dog can hear a squirrel drop an acorn out of a tree three blocks away. These heightened senses can make things like thunderstorms and fireworks displays nerve-wracking for dogs. Did you know that there is an increase in lost dogs and cats after fireworks? Even though your dog may not have responded in the past doesn't mean that they won't this year. Or, maybe they don't react to your town's fireworks display, but they may react to your neighbor setting off bottle rockets.

Keep your pup safe. Here are some tips for helping your pup to have a great Independence Day.

  • Don't set off fireworks at home. If you plan on doing so, put your dog inside, preferably someplace safe and secure, like their crate or your bedroom. Don't think that he's going to want to watch the display. And, let everyone that is attending your fireworks display know that your dog must stay inside.

  • Don't bring your dog to your town's fireworks display. There are too many bad scenarios to list here, so... just don't.

  • Make sure that your dog is wearing a collar with tags that include your phone number and maybe the Animal Control Office of your town. I knew a dog that bolted when his neighbor set off a string of firecrackers. The dog ran onto a highway, and luckily, was picked up by some good Samaritans. Because he had his tags on, the good Samaritans were able to call his owner when they got home - 25 miles away.

  • If you know that you're going to be out and about with your pup during fireworks, use two leashes and two collars or a collar/harness, so if he slips one collar, he might not be able to slip the second. Don't use retractable leashes, as a dog that is scared and bolting will think that the big plastic handle thingy is chasing him, making him run faster and further.

  • If your dog is having a difficult time with the noises, there are things like Bach's Rescue Remedy or NaturVet's Calming Biscuits that can help. Or, if your dog has a severe reaction, talk with your vet.

There are some dogs that are un-phased by fireworks. There are some that are terrified. Regardless of how your dog reacts, it's always a good thing to take precautions to ensure your pet's safety.

Oh, and if your house is set on fire by fireworks (as happened to one of our clients), make sure that you have a predetermined evacuation plan for yourselves and your pets. (Their house sustained damage to the roof and the garage - but still....)

Happy and Safe Independence Day from all of us at Integral Dog Training!

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is a very common tick-borne disease here in the northeast. Some vets estimate that up to 75% of dogs in the northeast test positive for Lyme. But, your dog might not ever present with the illness. Your vet may want to perform a Lyme test to see if your dog  is carrying the infection. If your dog starts to show signs of lameness, fever, lethargy or enlarged lymph nodes, seek medical attention. These symptoms begin occurring about two to three months after your dog gets the initial infection. Luckily, the medication used to treat Lyme is pretty successful.

The Lyme-infected deer tick has to be attached to your dog for at least 48 hours for the infection to be transmitted. This means that you should do a daily check for ticks. These little suckers are tiny, so be very meticulous in your searches. Prevention is the most sucessful method of avoiding infection. It's probably best to talk with your vet about the best tick preventative for your pup. There are a lot of options out there, and not all of the options suit everyone.

Also, remember that humans get Lyme disease. So, you should do checks on yourself AND your dog after being outside. You don't have to be in the woods. You can get jumped (on by the tick) in your own backyard. Make sure you know the symptoms of human Lyme disease. Lyme disease is a reportable disease, meaning that your doctor is required to report cases of human Lyme disease to the state health department and the CDC. So, don't become a health statistic, cover up with light-colored clothing, use tick repellent and do a tick check when you get inside. Do the same for your pup, although they probably won't want to cover up with light colored clothing.

Hot Cars

Hot cars are deadly for pups. Within a few minutes, a car can become overwhelmingly hot and dangerous, regardless if you leave the windows cracked or not. There are lots of web pages that show graphs of the way that cars heat up. There are YouTube videos of people showing how the temperature raises in the car quickly. I'm not going to go over that information. I'm going to give you some first hand experience on dogs and hot cars.

In 2013, the pet sitter with whom we trusted our dog, left our dog in her car. It was July, and the temperature was 98 degrees. She somehow "forgot" that she had our long-haired, 60 lb. German Shepherd in her black car that she'd parked in her driveway in the blazing sun. While this pet sitter sat inside her air conditioned house, Kismet died alone in her car.

My vet, in an attempt to comfort me, told me that Kismet's death was quick. As you can imagine, it didn't help me feel any better. In fact, this the first time that I've written about Kismet's death. And, as I sit here with tears streaming down my face, I can see her food bowl, which, almost 5 years later, I still can't bring myself to move. 

The repercussions of what happened with Kismet affected our other dog, Karma. Karma couldn't live without his big sister, and died 24 days later of a broken heart. Within less than a month, I lost both of my pups.

Now, whenever I'm in a parking lot and I hear a dog barking in a parked car, I have a visceral reaction. Luckily, in Massachusetts, there are laws against leaving dogs in cars. If you find yourself in a situation where you see a dog trapped in a hot car, do something. Don't let another dog die alone in a hot car.